New Member Orientation (Q3)

Your membership with PCMA can put you on the right track to take your career to the next level. The information in this orientation program will help you to get started on your journey. PCMA is your gateway to the industry’s most relevant, cutting-edge information and knowledgeable leaders. So let’s get you prepped and ready


Join NYPCMA and our business event professional friends in NYC on November 8, 2022, for an epic in-person event! Live sessions will be action-packed with strategies, ideas, a memorable storytelling exercise, and hands-on activities to make us better catalysts of human connection.

Annual Industry Holiday Party

You're invited to the annual industry holiday party hosted by HSMAI Greater New York Chapter!

2023 PCMA Convening Leaders

Greater Columbus Convention Center 400 N High Street, Columbus, OH

Join us Jan. 8-11, 2023, when PCMA Convening Leaders brings its flagship education and networking event to Columbus, Ohio — Experience Columbus will host PCMA’s education and networking event at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.

Chapter Reception at Convening Leaders

Please join us for the chapter reception at Convening Leaders! Sunday, January 8, 2023, 4:30pm-6:00pm EST, Hyatt Columbus!

NYPCMA Winter Program

Registration is now open for the NYPCMA Winter Program on February 21, 2023!

Brooklyn Bowl Venue Showcase

NYPCMA Members are invited to this free event at Brooklyn Bowl, June 7, 6:00pm-10:00pm!

NYPCMA Education Day

Please join us for NYPCMA Education Day, September 28, 2023!